So You Just Made the Inc. 5000. Here Are 5 Ways to Turn It Into PR Gold (Plus a Sales Script!)


So you made it into the Inc 5000?

Making it into the Inc. 5000 is a major win. Congratulations! 

Now that your hard work and growth have been recognized, the most important thing to do is to tell the world. Forget the press release: there are much better ways to get the word out.

In this blog post, we’ll share 5 of the most effective ways to keep the momentum going on that Inc. 5000 win. 

Let’s get to work! 

1. Add the logo to your email signature

Inc 5000 logo color
Source: Inc. magazine

As a member of the Inc. 5000, you’ll receive the Inc. 5000 logo image file to place on your website, your print communications, and other collateral. 

One place many overlook? Your email signature. Along with your calendar link and personal awards and recognitions, you should include the Inc. 5000 image (or text—simply add “Member of Inc. 5000 2021” underneath your company name). Make sure this is standard practice for everyone on your team.

This gets your win in front of everyone you email, whether they’re a prospect your sales team is targeting or a journalist your PR team is reaching out to. 

Here’s a tool to use: HubSpot’s free email signature generator

Business outcome: Boost your credibility with prospects

2. Include the win in your sales scripts

Ask your sales team to mention the Inc. 5000 in their sales pitches to new and existing clients. 

Here’s an example: 

Salesperson: Hi, PROSPECT NAME. This is Elizabeth with Zen Media. Do you have a few moments to talk? 

Great! I’m calling because our PR agency helps B2B brands like yours achieve Tier 1 press coverage, plus take advantage of lots of other new multimedia PR opportunities. (that’s the value proposition)

(Pause for response)

One thing we’ve heard from lots of brands we work with is that their agencies can get them Tier 2 or 3 press, but that first tier is out of reach. (mentioning pain points

Our agency has a track record of achieving major press, and we’ve been included in the Inc. 5000 and recognized by the White House and the United Nations. (details about who we are and what we do)

I don’t want to take up much more of your time, so would you be available for a 10-minute call to discuss your needs and goals? (closing with a call to action)

By including accolades, awards, and recognition within your sales script, you can instantly boost your brand’s credibility with prospects and shorten the sales cycle. 

Business outcome: Shorten the sales cycle

5 ways to keep the momentum going on that Inc. 5000 win

3. Pitch local news 

Sure, there are 4,999 other companies in the Inc. 5000—but how many of those are in your city or town? 

Probably no more than a handful. That means that local news will likely be interested in telling your story. Pitch your local TV news station, local and regional magazines, newspapers, and digital outlets with news of your win, and be sure to include a local focus. That could involve how you give back to your community, how your community helped your company grow, etc. 

If your founder or CEO has strong ties to their hometown, it may also make sense to pitch the local news media there as well—even if the company isn’t headquartered there. In this case, you’d want to choose an angle that emphasized the importance of the local community to the founder/executive’s growth as a businessperson, how they’re staying connected to the community today, or something similar. 

Business outcome: Expand your brand reach locally and boost your reputation 

4. Pitch industry press

Industry publications are an excellent match for stories about awards and recognitions. You may even be able to turn that one story into an opportunity for a regular column or more prominent feature. 

Business outcome: Grow your executive’s thought leadership. 

5. Include it in your next influencer campaign

B2B influencer marketing can be highly effective, provided you find the right influencer for your audience. 

As you’re developing your next influencer campaign, be sure the influencer knows about your inclusion in the Inc. 5000, so they can work it in as appropriate. That could be something as simple as including the Inc. 5000 logo on a web page or Instagram story or mentioning it specifically in a video chat. 

Business outcome: Reach new audiences

Being a member of the Inc. 5000 is something to be proud of. So make sure you’re getting the most PR mileage out of your win as possible, and contact us if you need help!


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