10 Last Minute Holiday Online Marketing Tips

In case the ubiquitous countdown clocks and the frenzied pick-up in the pace of holiday shopping hadn’t already tipped you off, there are only 12 days until Christmas. By now, your holiday marketing campaign has been chugging along full force for weeks. With Christmas so near, is there really much more you can do to drive sales? You bet there is! Simply implement the following tips to take advantage of all the last minute shoppers out there.

1. Go nuts with discounts!

Last-minute shoppers may worry that they’ve missed out on all the really good deals. By offering discounts in these last few days before Christmas, you’ll bring in customers desperate to find the right gift at the right price. In addition, you’ll attract other customers simply looking for great bargains. And if your discounts are exciting enough, they’ll be shared by your online audience, increasing your exposure.

2. Try a Christmas countdown sale.

Not only does a countdown increase a customer’s sense of urgency, but it also gives you a reason to reach out to your online audience every day from now until Christmas, keeping you top of mind as they search for last-minute gifts. Discount a different product or service each day, or slash prices by a different percentage each day. Your audience will look forward to seeing the new offer every day.

3. Increase your use of images.

Christmas is a very sensory holiday. The sights, smells, and sounds of Christmas evoke strong emotions – so tapping into this with your online marketing will create an emotional connection between your company and your audience. Posting beautiful or fun holiday pictures on social media, in your blog, and in your emails will put consumers in the holiday spirit, making it more likely that they will buy.

4. Get personal.

The holidays are a great time to give your online audience a peek at the real people working behind the scenes at your company. Get everyone in the office together for a group photo at your Christmas party, or share videos of employees sneaking around as they play Secret Santas. Letting customers in at this time of year makes them feel like family, creating a relationship that can last all year long.

5. Give back.

Nothing says Christmas spirit more than a donation of time or money to the less fortunate. Offering to donate a certain percentage of all profits to your company’s chosen cause can boost sales at the last minute, and sharing photos of employees volunteering during the holiday season can also create a burst of goodwill towards your organization. Not to mention the fact that you’ll all feel pretty good about yourselves, too – and be helping those in need.

6. Take advantage of Free Shipping Day.

Free Shipping Day takes place on December 18 this year, and retailers large and small are planning on participating. Use the hashtag #freeshipping to jump on the bandwagon and get some extra exposure for your brand, too.

7. Hold a contest!

The holidays are supposed to be fun and exciting – so why not tap into your audience’s desire for just that and hold a holiday-themed contest? Give away products, services, gift cards, extreme discounts, or even outrageous prizes like a year’s worth of freebies. The added sense of excitement will go a long way towards bringing in more last-minute customers.

8. Share useful holiday tips.

The closer we get to Christmas, the more people will be searching for recipes, crafting how-tos, decorating ideas, and other practical tips to make their holiday special. Tap into your online audience’s interests and get them to visit your website close to Christmas by sharing holiday tips related to your business.

9. Make it easy.

Last-minute shoppers don’t have much time to come up with gift ideas on their own. They tend to buy whatever catches their eye first and seems easiest. Make your products the easiest of all by providing your audience with suggestions and last-minute gift-giving guides. Create images showcasing products that complement each other or share lists of budget-friendly gift ideas for different demographics. The less work a shopper has to put into finding the perfect gift, the more likely he or she will be to buy.

10.  Use seasonal hashtags.

The best way to reach consumers desperately searching social media for last-minute gift ideas is to pepper your posts with seasonal hashtags. Try favorites like #lastminutedeals, #stockingstuffers, or #giftideas.

If you would like help developing and implementing your holiday online marketing strategy next year, contact Zen Media. Our social media, SEO, content, and email marketing experts can help you craft the perfect campaign – and then keep those sales coming all throughout the new year.

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