Top 3 Signs It’s Time to Raise Your Game


Did you know it’s possible to be playing SMALL …and not even realize it? Amazing – but it’s happening A LOT …  and in some subtle (and NOT so subtle) ways …  It’s a fact that:

* Far too many are yielding to a temptation (yes, let’s face it – out of fear) to PLAY SMALL…”hunkering down,” “treading water,” “pulling back for a while,” or even “waiting this out” (how’s that working so far?) … And, as management expert Tom Peters says:“You can’t SHRINK your way to GREATNESS.”

* Far too many others are “aiming too low” – toiling away at the level of mere TACTICS … chasing the next “shiny object” or tech toy … or even on the latest “hot” business model or “blueprint” … (Often jumping from one, to the next, to the next – with little to no results to show … and feeling increasingly more frustrated and overwhelmed in the process).

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our AIM is too high and we miss it.  Rather, it’s that we aim too low and we reach it.” ~ Michelangelo

* Far too many are failing … simply because they haven’t discovered the secrets – and step-by-step, proven system – to PLAYING BIG, at every level of their life and work … (And we’re going to share it with you, as our GIFT, below)

Perhaps you’ve noticed these signs, too?

It is an essential time to ask the question, don’t you think?

Because it is important for ALL of us to be aware that PLAYING SMALL can sneak up on us in the most stealthy ways.



Top 3 Signs It’s Time to Raise Your Game

1) You’re Not Yet Playing & Profiting at Your Highest Potential

You know you’re not yet playing – or profiting – at the HIGH level you should be (and that you need and deserve to be).

Here’s the TRUTH:

You can only PLAY BIG when you shift fully into your Signature GENIUS at every level – and share YOUR singular constellation of strengths, talents, gifts, expertise, experience, and style.

It is your unique GENIUS that SETS YOU APART … that differentiates you, your work, and your VALUE from ALL others.

[Hint: If your blog or social media content is not vibrant and flowing for you, it’s very likely you’re not yet clear on your Genius and Value … for it is from this clarity that your singular, magnetic message will flow.]

What is it that ONLY you and your business can do?

The FIRST Step?

You must be Crystal Clear about your Signature Genius and Unmatched Value.  AND, if you’re not yet receiving the INCOME you deserve, from a loyal tribe of ideal clients, here’s another TRUTH:

You have already-existing, unique value and Singular STRENGTHS, and they are ready to be tapped, and matched directly with MULTIPLE streams of income right now.

*  Would you like for your clients to recognize the distinct value you offer immediately? …

*  Would you like to get paid at the level you’re truly worth … (Yes, even in challenging times)

*  Would you like to be in such demand that people are waiting in line to access what only you can provide?

If you’re not clear on your Signature GENIUS and true VALUE – it’s definitely time to RAISE YOUR GAME.

(We’ll help you get that clarity – see Master Class GIFT below)

* You’re in the Loop, Instead of the Leap

You keep running into the same issues and obstacles, and fighting the same fire drills – expending lots of energy, but without seeing real progress … Or you’re stuck and spinning around at the starting gate:

“I’ve got to ‘create a brand’ [whether it represents your GENIUS or not] …
I’ve got to ‘identify a niche’ [whether these are your “people” or not] …

I need to get into the latest marketing training [or other “hot” program]’ …
I must first have this [latest gadget or software] before I move ahead …”

Not that each of these may not be valid – yes, even powerful – in the right context.

Yet, FIRST, you must have a clear, aligned Success Trajectory – so you move with ease and confidence into action – each day (both you and your team) – guided by a clear Success Plan.

If you’re stuck, stalled or overwhelmed, there’s a cure for that.

It’s time to RAISE YOUR GAME.

* You Realize the Global Game Has Changed

There is NO QUESTION this is a pivotal time – for you, and for your business.  Everywhere, individuals at the highest levels of success are investing this PIVOTAL TIME to reorient to, realign with, and expand their highest conceptions of success – to invest in building their value and in powerfully communicating their clear, compelling identity.

They know that NOW is the most crucial time to position themselves to offer their Signature GENIUS and Value on a level never before seen or experienced.

Slowly, but surely, the global marketspace is being shaken awake, in large part, by our collective, creative power. It is a new world – and opportunities abound.

The TRUE STARS are not only poised to ride the rising wave … they are the creators and catalysts DRIVING the wave.

Now is the time to step up and PLAY BIG, as you KNOW you are meant to, ALWAYS.

Now is the time to RAISE YOUR GAME.

This is about stepping into YOUR GREATNESS … and it will TRANSFORM the quality of your life and work, forever …

Because, when you fully share YOUR Greatness – your Singular GENIUS – it will set you apart.

The world will recognize it – and REWARD it.

Your Innovation, Creativity – and Business ROI (Profitability!) – will soar.

If you’re ready to step up, and forever leave behind you any lack of focus, procrastination, or wasted, lost time
wondering if you’re headed in the right direction, or if your efforts are going to pay off  …

If any of these Top 3 Signs It’s Time to Raise Your Game resonated with you – and you know there’s much more success awaiting you, when you play at your highest level …

You owe it to yourself to hear and see exactly how to RAISE YOUR GAME now (simply access my Master Class GIFT to you, through the link below)!

Global Innovation Expert Julie Ann Turner will show you EXACTLY how to RAISE YOUR GAME – through her ground-breaking, rave-reviewed “RAISE YOUR GAME” Master Class, through the exact proven, step-by-step system that aligns with your own GENIUS, and visually guides you as you shift up to PLAYING BIG at every level of your life and work.  Julie Ann, Founder/CEO of, is an author, executive mentor, social entrepreneur, and world expert on the creative process, and is a powerful guide to greatness for leaders across the globe.


Available now to you for exclusive download access for a limited time: RAISE YOUR GAME! Why It’s Essential for You to Play (& Profit) at Full Power NOW

>>> Click here now to access your Master Class:

Note from Shama: Pssst!  Just a note to let you know there is a VALUABLE BONUS offered at the end of the Master Class –
which Julie Ann has extended to all of you, as my guests – so don’t miss out on your chance (hint: you might even get the chance for complimentary
One-on-One Mentoring directly with Julie Ann, on the areas of life and work most important for you!)

>>> RAVE REVIEWS on Julie Ann’s RAISE YOUR GAME! Webinar:

Thank you for the MOST POWERFUL WEBINAR I have ever seen!  Julie Ann Turner is a wonderful speaker. I feel blessed to have had the chance to listen to her powerful truths.  The discovery that I have unlimited power and abilities has rocked my world! …  Thank you so much for showing me the light! ~ Laura Baddeley

I have re-played and re-played and replayed the Webinar and I want to sincerely say THANK YOU.  It has profoundly changed me; I have experienced a shift and I feel empowered for awhile.It is difficult to break old 50 year old habits.Actually I would just like to talk to you about you, I found you very inspiring.  It would be an honor to talk to someone like you that gives so much to so many. Love,  Sylvia Martinez / Goodrich Interiors / Technical Writer

Hi Julie Ann, I was on your call last week with Kevin Nations and I have to sat it was FANTASTIC!  This is about the only call I’ve been on where there was actually VERY useful information.  So many calls these days are just infomercials…not yours!  You have information that can be applied immediately. The call was a breath of fresh air.  Thanks so much! Gregg Swanson; CPT, CMSC, CLSC, CLFC / Mental Strength Coach / “Thoughts, Actions, Results”

Hi Julie Ann, I very much enjoyed the Webinar!  You explained POWER in a systematic way which works for me from the beginning.  I found that using a person we can all identify with very useful, because of where Arnold did come from to where he is today.  With any kind of limitations, we should all be able to accomplish or reach our goals if we have the desire to do the steps to get there, and the imagination to create or be open to any imaginable possibilities.  To access the vision of the arcs on my computer screen made it more real for me also.  When I review my notes I made from the webinar, I can see how my mind was being influenced to think outside of the box and to reach higher, that more POTENTIAL is available. I thank you. ~Leah Knight

Thank you so much for that AMAZING call.  You OPENED MY EYES to things I hadn’t thought of before. ~Barbara Reynolds

Thank you for a WONDERFUL webinar!  I enjoyed seeing how you present what I experience as basic truths about creating.  My experience personally and with clients is that a key to sustaining the kinds of shifts you speak about is to create practices that support embodying them — most of our bodies being in the ‘habit’ of operating differently (with lots of support from our culture) — and to put in place support systems such as coaching that keep us on track when we want to retreat to our old ways.      I LOVED your graphic presentation, your pacing, and the passion that you bring to this subject (gentle, not overpowering, but clear and present).  I appreciated you sharing that while the concept is ‘simple’ making the shift is not always easy.  With gratitude.  ~Cindy Reinhardt

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