Internal PR: Why Your Team Matters as Much as Your Customers—and How to Communicate to Them in a Crisis


internal pr

Internal PR isn’t just about sharing information—it’s about fostering a culture of trust and transparency within your team. When a crisis hits, this internal bond becomes your organization’s lifeline, ensuring everyone is on the same page and ready to face challenges head-on.

Think of it as the glue that keeps your team united, empowering them to navigate crises with confidence and resilience. From frontline staff to top brass, effective internal communication builds solidarity and empowers individuals to act decisively when it matters most.

Internal PR acts as a shield, guarding your organization against the fallout of miscommunication. Keeping stakeholders informed and engaged prevents both internal discord and external backlash, allowing your organization to maintain control of the narrative even in turbulent times.

Crafting Messages for Internal Audiences

Effective communication isn’t just about broadcasting updates—it’s about crafting tailored messages that resonate through every corner of your organization. From the frontlines to the boardroom, each internal audience brings its own set of concerns and priorities to the table, demanding a nuanced approach to communication.


During times of crisis, employees crave clarity and transparency. Communicate how the crisis directly impacts their roles, job security, and workplace safety. Provide clear instructions on any changes to their tasks or work environment, emphasizing their well-being and the organization’s commitment to their safety. Prioritize information regarding any support systems in place, such as employee assistance programs or remote work arrangements, to alleviate concerns and maintain productivity.

Managers and Team Leaders

Empower managers and team leaders with timely updates and decision-making authority to effectively lead their teams through the crisis. Equip them with resources to address employee concerns, maintain healthy morale, and foster open communication within their teams. Prioritize sharing strategic insights and crisis management protocols to guide their decision-making process and ensure alignment with organizational goals and values.

Partners and Suppliers

Keep open lines of communication with partners and suppliers to address any concerns and maintain trust in the business relationship. Provide regular updates on how the crisis affects collaboration, delivery schedules, and contractual obligations. Prioritize transparency in outlining contingency plans and proactive steps taken to ensure business continuity, reassuring partners and suppliers of the organization’s commitment to maintaining the relationship despite challenges.

Related Reading: Corporate Communications vs. PR vs. Marketing

Stakeholders and Investors

For stakeholders and investors, transparency is paramount. Provide a clear and honest assessment of the financial impact of the crisis on the organization, including revenue projections, cost-saving measures, and potential risks. Prioritize sharing a well-defined roadmap for recovery, outlining strategic initiatives and milestones to restore confidence and protect investments. Address any questions or concerns promptly, demonstrating accountability and commitment to long-term sustainability.

Board Members and Executives

Engage board members and executives with strategic insights and actionable plans to navigate the crisis effectively. Prioritize sharing comprehensive updates on decision-making processes, risk assessments, and governance measures to ensure alignment with organizational objectives. Provide opportunities for input and collaboration to leverage their expertise and leadership in guiding the organization through turbulent times.

Frontline Customer-Facing Staff

Empower frontline customer-facing staff with clear guidance on how to address customer inquiries and concerns during the crisis. Prioritize providing training and resources to handle difficult situations with empathy and professionalism. Ensure consistent messaging across all customer touchpoints to uphold the organization’s brand reputation and commitment to customer satisfaction, fostering trust and loyalty even in challenging circumstances.

Internal Crisis Response Teams

Keep internal crisis response teams well-informed and equipped to manage the situation effectively. Provide detailed, up-to-the-minute updates on the evolving crisis, including relevant data, insights, and action plans. Prioritize clear communication channels and streamlined decision-making processes to facilitate coordination and collaboration among team members. Empower crisis response teams with the authority and resources needed to address emergent issues and make informed decisions in real-time.

Support Functions (HR, IT, Legal, etc.)

Support functions play a crucial role in maintaining organizational resilience during a crisis. Prioritize providing clear guidance on how each support function contributes to the overall crisis response effort and how they can assist other departments. Address any concerns or challenges specific to each support function promptly, ensuring continuity of essential services and operations. Keep support teams updated on relevant policies, procedures, and resources to enable them to fulfill their roles effectively and efficiently.

Remote and Distributed Teams

For remote and distributed teams, communication is key to maintaining productivity and morale amidst crisis-induced disruption. Prioritize providing remote communication tools and platforms to facilitate collaboration and engagement. Offer guidance on best practices for remote work, including time management, communication etiquette, and maintaining work-life balance. Ensure remote teams feel supported and connected through regular check-ins, virtual meetings, and opportunities for social interaction.

Unionized Employees

Communicate with unionized employees in accordance with collective bargaining agreements and labor laws. Prioritize addressing labor-related concerns and ensuring compliance with contractual obligations, emphasizing collaboration and cooperation with union representatives. Provide regular updates on how the crisis impacts unionized employees, including any changes to working conditions, schedules, or benefits. Maintain open lines of communication to address any grievances or issues promptly and transparently, fostering trust and mutual understanding.

Related Reading:7 Ways Corporate Communicators Can Learn from the Presidential Election Season Communications Blitz

7 Practical Tips and Best Practices for Your Internal PR Framework

Navigating the complexities of internal PR during a crisis requires more than just good intentions—it demands a solid framework supported by actionable strategies. Here are some practical tips and best practices to fortify your organization’s internal PR and steer through turbulent times with confidence:

  1. Establish clear communication channels and protocols. 

Establishing clear communication channels and protocols is essential for navigating crises effectively. By defining streamlined channels for communication, such as email, internal messaging platforms, or regular meetings, information can flow swiftly and efficiently throughout the organization. Additionally, establishing protocols for disseminating updates ensures that everyone receives timely and accurate information, while clarifying roles and responsibilities helps to maintain accountability and cohesion. 

  1. Provide regular updates and transparency. 

This means keeping employees informed with timely updates on the crisis situation, organizational responses, and any significant developments that may arise. By fostering transparency, you create an environment where information flows freely, rumors are addressed promptly, and uncertainties are acknowledged with honesty and clarity.

  1. Empower managers and leaders with the necessary information and tools to lead their teams. 

Empowering managers and team leaders is key to maintaining stability and morale within the workforce. Equip them with the necessary information, resources, and training to effectively communicate with their teams and navigate challenges with confidence. Additionally, provide tools and platforms that enable leaders to engage with employees, gather feedback, and address concerns in real-time, fostering a culture of open communication and support.

  1. Address concerns and provide reassurance to employees. 

During times of uncertainty, it’s essential to address employees’ concerns and provide reassurance wherever possible. Acknowledge their worries with empathy and offer clarity on how the crisis may impact job security, workplace safety, and daily routines. Outline the steps being taken to mitigate risks and ensure their well-being, helping to alleviate anxieties amidst uncertainty.

  1. Coordinate efforts across departments and teams. 

Foster collaboration and alignment by encouraging cross-functional cooperation and communication. Establishing cross-functional crisis response teams can facilitate coordination, decision-making, and resource allocation, ensuring that everyone is working towards a common goal and responding to challenges in a unified manner.

  1. Consider cultural and language diversity in communication. 

Recognize and respect the cultural diversity within the organization, tailoring communication to accommodate different languages, cultural norms, and preferences. Prioritize providing information in multiple languages and formats to ensure inclusivity and accessibility for all employees. Consider cultural nuances and sensitivities when crafting messages to ensure they resonate with diverse cultural and language groups. Foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and heard, promoting unity and cohesion across the organization.

  1. Leverage technology for collaboration. 

Implementing video conferencing, instant messaging, and project management tools can bridge geographical barriers and maintain productivity in remote work environments, ensuring that teams remain connected and effective regardless of their physical location.

In the end, effective internal PR isn’t just a strategy—it’s a mindset that puts your team at the center of your organization’s success. So, as you chart your course through the challenges ahead, remember that your team matters just as much as your customers, and how you communicate with them in a crisis can make all the difference.


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Day 6: How to Stay Relevant on Dark Social (Extra Credit)

Ready for some extra credit? I’m about to throw you some jaw-dropping stats.

In today’s B2B landscape, thought leadership content is more important than ever.

But B2B brands aren’t going all in. Why?

It isn’t as easy to track as other initiatives.

Here’s the thing, though: 

Even if it’s hard to measure, it’s still meaningful.

According to the 2024 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Report, 52% of decision-makers and 54% of C-level executives spend over an hour a week consuming thought leadership content. 73% report trusting this content more than marketing materials.

And they don’t leave comments. They don’t hit the like button. 

They share it on dark social, privately. 

The impact is undeniable.

75% of decision-makers have explored a product or service they weren’t considering after consuming thought leadership content, and 60% realized their organization was missing an opportunity thanks to it.

If you thought those numbers sounded impressive, wait until you read this: 

90% are more receptive to sales outreach from companies that share consistent, high-quality thought leadership.

86% are more likely to include these companies in the RFP process (seat at the table, anyone?), and 60% are willing to pay a premium to work with them. 

You can’t make this up!

As long as B2Bs continue to choose the merely measurable over the meaningful, they’ll keep missing golden opportunities. Now that you know, you can stop your brand from falling into this trap. Stay vigilant by frequently asking yourself these 4 questions: 

Question 1: How does our thought leadership content support our overall business goals and objectives?

Action: Ensure that your thought leadership content strategy is aligned with your company’s overarching business objectives, such as increasing market share, driving revenue growth, or establishing your brand as an industry leader.

Result: Ensure alignment with business objectives.

Question 2: Does our thought leadership content address the most pressing challenges, questions, and aspirations of our target audience?

Action: Conduct thorough research to understand the needs, preferences, and pain points of your target audience. Develop thought leadership content that provides valuable insights, solutions, and perspectives that resonate with their specific challenges and goals.

Result: Stay focused on customer needs.

Question 3: How can we track and measure the engagement and impact of our thought leadership content, even if it’s not as straightforward as other marketing metrics?

Action: Implement a comprehensive measurement framework that goes beyond simple metrics like likes and comments. Track indicators such as time spent on page, scroll depth, content downloads, newsletter sign-ups, and referral traffic. Use surveys and feedback loops to gather qualitative insights from your audience on how your content has influenced their perceptions and decisions.

Result: Accurately track engagement and impact.

Question 4: How can we ensure that our thought leadership content is effectively integrated with our sales and marketing efforts?

Action: Collaborate closely with your sales and marketing teams to develop a cohesive content strategy that supports the entire customer journey. Use thought leadership content to nurture leads, support sales conversations, and establish your brand as a trusted resource. Provide your sales team with the tools and training they need to leverage thought leadership content effectively in their outreach and interactions with prospects.

Result: Synergistic integration with sales and marketing.

And that’s a wrap! You’ve reached the final email of the 5-Day MBA in PR. Congratulations!

You now know more about earned media and PR than the majority of business leaders out there.

Over the past week, you’ve seriously leveled up your knowledge and your game.

On Day 1, you explored different types of PR and learned how to choose what makes sense for you.

On Day 2, you discovered why a strategic distribution plan is vital to the success of earned media efforts.

On Day 3, you identified a crucial media reframe needed for maximizing visibility.

On Day 4, you figured out how to leverage contemporary events to your advantage. 

On Day 5, you connected the dots between PR and sales. 

And today, you learned why thought leadership content is critical—even if it isn’t as easily directly measurable as other initiatives.

This is enough to make you a very savvy business leader when it comes to PR. You should be able to ask the right questions and start driving results! 

And if you found this e-Course helpful, send it to a colleague! It would be the ultimate compliment. 

But the truth is, I can only go so deep in an email course.

So, if you’re wondering how I can work in a deeper capacity with you, there are a few ways I can be of service: 

  1. I can come speak to your company or industry—not just on earned media but on how to actually stay RELEVANT in a world that is changing at the speed of your feed. I’ve spoken for everyone from NASA to Marriott. You can check my availability here.
  2. You can hire my awesome team at Zen Media to execute on behalf of your brand. Day 1 to Day 5 and then some. Here’s what clients have to say about working with us.

I genuinely hope this has been useful for you in your journey.

This isn’t goodbye, but more of an I’ll see you later!

All the best, 
