SXSW Panel Picker: Help Zen Media Speak At South By Southwest 2013


SXSW is one of the most innovative, creative tech events of the year.

Every single year, there are hundreds upon hundreds of technology and media conferences that are hosted all across the world. These events not only give those in the industry a chance to make important connections with other people in their field, but they also provide a great opportunity to learn about what changes are coming up in the world of social-media services and mobile technology.

However, out of each of these conferences all around the world, there is perhaps no event that is more well-known or more significant that the annual South by Southwest (SXSW) festival that takes place during the spring in Austin, Texas. This festival, which originally started as the multimedia portion of the SXSW Film Festival in 1994, has since become host to some of the biggest names in tech.

SXSW has even helped many influential start-ups get their first leg off the ground. For instance, back in 2007, a certain website called Twitter was unheard of at the time, but used the fest as a launching opportunity for their company and introduced “tweets” by installing big screens throughout the Austin Convention center.

This year, from March 8-12, the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival will be featuring five straight days of compelling presentations from the brightest minds in the tech industry, and The Zen Media Group could be one of them! Our company has put together three possible panel topics to be voted on by the community in hopes of being able to speak about these topics at this year’s SXSW festival.

To learn more about our three possible panels, we have put together a brief summary of each topic below. If one of these panel topics sounds interesting to you, you can vote for your favorite (or even all three) by registering at and then clicking on the vote links below:

I Just Liked You & Yes I’m Crazy: Extreme Fans

You’ve seen them: the users that troll your company or client’s business page and complain, defame and unleash their craziness. Reputation management is imperative to brand success. With 900 million Facebook users and 140 million Tweeters online today, brands will eventually run across a few (or more) crazy, fanatical and dramatic fans. How do you deal with this community without hurting your brand’s reputation?

Click to vote for our “I Just Liked You & Yes I’m Crazy: Extreme Fans” panel topic.

Sh*t Clients Say: Dealing With Nightmare Clients

This is something many entrepreneurs deal with, especially in the early stages of their business. Find out how to work with difficult clients, and learn how to appreciate and identify great ones you want to work with – like ours.

Learn how to diffuse tough situations and handle difficult clients without blowing your cool.

Click here to vote for our “Sh*t Clients Say: Dealing With Nightmare Clients” panel topic.

Women Trailblazers On The Web

How women are changing the game online? Three woman entrepreneurs explore and discuss the role of women in online media and technology. With the advent of new female leadership with professionals such as Marissa Mayer, what changes are women making in the marketplace as a whole? Who are the women to watch and where should we look for them?

Click here to vote for our “Women Trailblazers On The Web” group panel topic.

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