How B2Bs Can Amplify Content

amplify content services

We talk about how noisy the marketing arena is all the time—so why should we be adding to the noise? 

Well, brands still need to meet their potential customers with an average of 27 touchpoints throughout the sales process to seal the deal—up from 17 in the pre-pandemic era. 

At its core, content amplification is about strategically using channels to maximize the reach and impact of your content after its initial publication. It’s not about posting simply to post (or just making noise); it’s about making sure your brand’s voice is heard in a way that resonates with and engages your target customer. 

Today’s digital ecosystem is bursting with information, making it increasingly difficult for businesses to cut through the clutter and capture the attention of their desired audience. Amplifying content ensures that your message doesn’t just reach its audience but engages them at various touchpoints, fostering a deeper connection and nurturing them through the sales funnel.

Unlike the traditional method of publishing or sharing a piece of content once and moving on, continuous engagement involves a persistent, dynamic approach to keeping your content in play. This means regularly revisiting and rethinking content promotion across different platforms, tweaking its format to suit different audiences and contexts, and ensuring it remains relevant and visible over time.

This relentless visibility does more than just boost brand awareness; it allows for measuring and refining your content strategy based on real-world feedback and engagement metrics. Understanding how your content performs over time and across different channels enables you to make informed decisions about future content creation and amplification strategies.

Creating a Practical Content Amplification Strategy

B2B marketers must use a variety of tactics designed to extend the lifecycle of their content, repurpose it across multiple formats, and ensure it’s seen by as broad and relevant an audience as possible. 

Repurposing Content

Transforming existing content into new formats is a powerful way to extend its life and appeal to different audience preferences. Consider these options:

  • Podcasts into Audiograms: Extract compelling snippets from your podcasts and pair them with dynamic visual content to create shareable audiograms for social media posts.
  • Blog Content into Infographics: Summarize key points from your articles in visual content (i.e. engaging infographics, etc.). This format is ideal for conveying complex information succinctly and is highly shareable across platforms.
  • Interviews into Quote Cards: Highlight insightful quotes from your interviews and display them on eye-catching graphics. These quote cards are impactful, standalone pieces of content that drive engagement and curiosity.

And you don’t always have to repurpose your own content! User-generated content (UGC) makes a great addition to your brand’s content marketing campaign by allowing you to amplify your products or services by using quality content already created and shared by satisfied customers. This is especially valuable, because UGC can increase conversion rates and encourage loyal customers since unpaid content like this is seen as more credible. 

Related Reading: 10 Ways to Repurpose Your Content for Maximum Output

Leveraging Employee Advocacy

Employees who share your company’s content lend their voice and credibility, significantly enhancing trust and social proof. Encourage your team to share and engage with your brand’s content on their social channels. This not only increases your content’s reach but also humanizes your brand, making it more relatable and trustworthy to your audience.

Optimizing for SEO

Search engine optimization remains a cornerstone of digital content visibility. Google’s Mentioned In feature, for example, allows your content to gain additional visibility by being highlighted in search results when it’s cited by other reputable sources. 

To leverage this:

  • Produce only informative and high-quality content so other sites want to mention it.
  • Use relevant keywords naturally to improve your content’s discoverability.
  • Engage in outreach to get your content in front of influencers and publications that can give it further credibility and visibility.

Using Paid Ads

Paid advertising can amplify the reach of your content significantly. Incorporate elements from press hits or multimedia content into your ads to add authenticity and attract attention. For instance, video clips from interviews or customer testimonials within your ads can capture interest more effectively than text alone. This approach not only increases the visibility of your content, but also leverages the credibility of earned media to enhance your ad’s impact.

Related Reading: How to Monetize Your Media Coverage

Leveraging Press Hits in the Sales Funnel

Incorporating press hits and thought leadership content into your sales funnel can provide tangible benefits. Try these tactics: 

  • Including links to press coverage in email newsletters or independently to your email list to build credibility.
  • Highlighting key thought leadership pieces in your newsletters to showcase industry expertise.
  • Leverage some of our 50 email marketing templates for sales as a guide to craft compelling messages that incorporate your media wins and authoritative articles.

Each tactic increases your content’s visibility and enhances its impact, helping you build a stronger, more credible brand presence in the B2B marketplace.

Measuring Success Through Share of Voice

Share of Voice (SOV) measures the market your brand owns compared to your competitors, usually expressed as a percentage. It encompasses various channels, including but not limited to social media, search engines, traditional media, and more, providing a holistic view of your brand’s presence and prominence in the industry.

SOV is not just a vanity metric; it’s a powerful indicator of brand health and marketing effectiveness. A higher SOV correlates with increased brand awareness, market leadership, and, ultimately, market share. By tracking SOV, businesses can gauge the effectiveness of their marketing tactics relative to the competitive landscape. It helps identify strengths to build on and weaknesses that require more focus, enabling brands to allocate resources more efficiently and strategically.

How can brands monitor and use SOV to inform effective content marketing strategies? 

  1. Use social listening tools. 

Platforms like Brandwatch, Mention, or Hootsuite Insights allow you to track mentions of your brand across social channels and the web. These tools can help you understand not just how often your brand is mentioned but also the sentiment of these mentions, providing valuable context to your SOV.

  1. Analyze search engine visibility. 

Tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs can help you track your brand’s share of voice in search engine results pages (SERPs). By understanding your visibility for key search terms compared to your competitors, you can better tailor your SEO strategies.

  1. Leverage media monitoring services. 

For a broader view of your SOV, including traditional media, consider using media monitoring services. These platforms, like Meltwater or Muck Rack, can help track mentions of your brand in news outlets, blog posts, and even offline channels, giving you a comprehensive view of your media presence.

  1. Monitor direct and indirect mentions. 

Remember to track not only direct mentions of your brand but also indirect mentions, such as discussions around your product category or industry. This broader perspective can reveal additional opportunities for increasing your SOV.

  1. Set benchmarks and content goals. 

Establish clear benchmarks for your SOV based on historical data and industry standards. Use these benchmarks to set realistic goals for improvement and track your progress over time.

By continuously monitoring SOV and adapting your tactics accordingly, you can enhance your brand’s visibility, strengthen its market position, and drive more effective engagement with your target audience.

Whether you’re looking to increase your brand’s share of voice, enhance your SEO presence, or simply get your message heard by a wider audience, the journey toward achieving these goals is both strategic and creative.
If all of this sounds great but you think you might need some help, reach out to us today. Let’s start the conversation about how we can help you amplify your content and refine your digital marketing strategy for maximum impact.


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