8 Digital Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2023

top digital marketing trends 2023

2022 is almost over, and if we have learned anything so far, it has to be one thing. No trend ever stays the same, especially for marketers and PR professionals. As the world continues to evolve, so do our strategies—it’s what we do. What are the latest digital marketing trends and developments on the horizon for the new year, you ask? 

A great question!

In this post, we’ll dissect the top six digital marketing trends we expect to see for this coming year. From acceleration in the marketing tactics we’ve already become familiar with to brand-new ideas, the trends here are pulled from both our own professional experience with clients and industry wisdom at large. 

Let’s dig in! 

8 Digital Marketing Trends You Need to Know for 2023

1. AI Adoption Accelerates

AI has been slowly gaining traction among B2Bs, mainly in the form of virtual customer service options like chatbots and virtual assistants. 

In 2023, however, we’ll see this digital marketing trend’s accelerated adoption. B2Bs are working with AI in new arenas, expanding out from customer service into:  

  • Creative
  • Sales
  • Email marketing

For example, businesses are realizing the power AI in marketing when it comes to iterating paid ads, using the technology to come up with thousands of content and design variations for a single advertisement. This allows for effectiveness testing on a massive scale, far beyond A/B testing a few different headlines. 

In sales, AI and machine learning, or ML, are being used for more accurate sales forecasting, while AI in email marketing is allowing for better personalization, better tracking, and much better data-gathering. AI usage won’t replace human writers, but it can help to automate some of the menial work.

Related Reading: 7 Types of AI Tools to Add to Your Marketing Tech Stack

2. Seamless Integration Becomes a Necessity

Business has changed for both consumers and the brands they purchase from, and it’s tricky to decide which of those changes will be permanent in the future. That means companies will need digital marketers to help the public understand their new or adjusted services.

The shift to conducting business online has conditioned shoppers to demand convenient instant gratification for their newly reshaped needs. For instance, we’re seeing an increase in the “brick-and-click” retail model: an integrated online-IRL model in which customers can order a product on their phone, then pick it up curbside.

As more businesses shift to this model, especially during the pandemic, omnichannel messaging will become even more important. Digital campaigns that can provide experiential marketing—like a live event done digitally—can bring a large audience to a brand. 

Related Reading: B2B and B2C Converge: How B2C Trends are Influencing B2B Marketing PR

3. Augmented Reality For The User Experience

Augmented reality is the heart of experiential marketing for brands to directly engage and connect with consumers through participatory experiences—think about it as a live marketing campaign. As technology advances, consumer needs and desires evolve, too, demanding companies to alter their marketing strategies to keep up. AR provides a new space to promote a unique buying experience for customers in multiple industries. The latest digital marketing trend we will see with AR will be within the Metaverse.


According to a 2021 Statista survey, more than 74% of American adults are joining or considering joining the virtual world. There are boundless opportunities to create worthwhile and impactful brand experiences in the Metaverse. For example, luxury brands, including Balenciaga and Gucci, have already leveraged AR technology to sell virtual clothing for gaming avatars for real dollars. This venture in the fashion industry has not only allowed a cool user experience or generated chatter, but it has also offered an inclusive opportunity for people to discover brands on a more personal, affordable level.

For B2Bs, AR tools offer the possibility of making the sales process more interactive and responsive. Sales and marketing teams can create customized AR experiences for customers to have a direct hand in what they want to see in the product before buying. Augmented reality allows customers greater access to the information they need to make a decision. Companies have already started to commit to this latest digital marketing trend, and there is soon to be many more following suit.

4. A Values-First Mentality

Avoiding hot-button issues may have been the marketing mentality for years, but in 2023, the concept is no more. Consumers are looking for brands to be socially aware and take a stand—a B2B marketing trend creating sustainable growth for businesses involved.

There are many ways to do this, some bolder than others, but the key takeaway is that the discussion for digital marketers will likely move away from “should we…” to “when should we…” in the next year. 

So take a cue from some brands that have already made addressing social issues a hallmark of their brand, like Airbnb. 

The home rental business drew national attention with its “#weaccept” campaign. In response to President Donald Trump’s travel ban, Airbnb aired a Super Bowl LI ad that declared, “We believe no matter who you are, where you’re from, who you love or who you worship, we all belong. The world is more beautiful the more you accept,” followed by the hashtag #weaccept. 

This worked because it aligned with AirBnB’s services — a home for all. 

5. Growth of Voice Search

“Alexa, add milk to my shopping list” is becoming as common as jotting down a grocery list on paper. With improved voice search, consumers are embracing the ease of simply saying what they want, from movie requests to directions. In fact, DVS Interactive reports that 20 percent of all mobile searches are done by voice. 

Marketing strategies, therefore, must be adjusted to match this new type of search language. That means analyzing and understanding the difference between how a search is typed and how it is spoken. 

Case in point: the way someone searches the weather. On Google, they might type in “weather in Charleston, SC,” but on voice, they’ll likely say, “What is the weather in Charleston, South Carolina?”

Developing SEO tactics that work with voice search is one thing marketers need to consider to get ahead of the competition in 2023.

Related Reading: SEO Trends and Insights Every Marketer Needs to Know for 2023

Source: The Digital

6. Visual Search

In addition to voice search, visual search is going to be a growing concern in 2023 as well.

By using tools like Google Lens, a consumer can search what they see—which means that image alt-text is taking on a whole new level of importance. Rather than merely relying on SEO, marketers will need to improve image sitemaps for images discovered by search engines and use descriptive filenames for those images. 

Source: Campaign Live

And there’s no time for hesitation. Retail Customer Experience estimates that by 2021, “early adopters that redesign their websites to support visual and voice search will increase their digital commerce revenue by 30 percent.” 

While the technology is still in its infancy, some say consumers are already demanding the tool, and they’re the savviest among us. Research from ViSenze found that 62 percent of Gen Z and Millennial consumers want to have visual search capabilities, according to Business Wire.

So what’s the takeaway? Savvy digital marketers will keep tabs on both voice and visual search in 2023 and develop their SEO for both. If you get too comfortable with the way you’re currently doing business, the competition will leave you in the dust. 

7. B2B Marketing and B2C Marketing will continue to converge

Both types of marketing are used for different purposes. B2B marketing focuses on selling products and services to businesses, while B2C marketing targets consumers. However, the lines between B2B and B2C marketing are blurring as marketers realize customer expectations and behaviors are increasingly similar for both B2B and B2C audiences. As a result, B2B and B2C businesses need to understand how to market to consumers, as well as how to sell to businesses.

Related Reading: B2B and B2C Converge: How B2C Trends Are Influencing B2B Marketing PR

8. Video Marketing

Video marketing is important for any business, especially B2B businesses. It’s one of the best ways to engage customers and prospects. The average person watches about 30 minutes of video per day. If you create engaging content, then you’ll be able to attract new leads and keep existing ones engaged.

Don’t want the hassle of following the latest digital marketing trends yourself? Contact the professionals at Zen Media. We watch the digital marketing trends, so you don’t have to.

Related Reading: 2023 B2B Paid Ads Trends You Need To Know


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