New Cosmos


DeNova Detect by New Cosmos

How a 100-day PR and social media sprint for a natural gas detector supplier skyrocketed their brand awareness and SOV

client name
DeNova Detect by New Cosmos USA, Inc.
PR, Social Media

The challenge

Stepping into the future, New Cosmos USA, the global leader in residential natural gas detectors, was gearing up to launch their new line: DeNova Detect. But it wasn’t an easy road. With 4,200 annual home fires due to natural gas explosions and the controversial political climate around natural gas appliances, the task was clear. They needed to acknowledge the risks while promoting the advantages of natural gas appliances.

The goal was to generate substantial coverage around natural gas safety and the DeNova Detect’s launch at the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) as a first step in their go-to-market strategy.

The strategy

Stoking media interest

Zen Media’s PR team crafted a compelling press release for the national newswire and used the release as part of their targeted outreach plan. By targeting trade outlets significant to the natural gas appliance, safety, and consumer technology industries, New Cosmos was able to spread its messaging to an informed audience. Through newsjacking and thought leadership opportunities, we placed New Cosmos’ business leaders at the center of trending news stories, received byline, podcast, and television spots, and received earned mentions among numerous publications.

Consistency in messaging

By developing consistent language, talking points, and messaging, New Cosmos was able to illustrate its value and build its brand consistently across all platforms and outlets. To help balance the political concerns about natural gas products, the Zen Media team crafted messaging that placed New Cosmos and its executives as “the voice of reason.” Through media training, the New Cosmos team adopted this messaging and relayed it successfully. This messaging resonated with the press and their target audience.

Maintaining momentum and increasing the life of each press hit

The Zen Media social media team crafted a social media amplification strategy that included amplifying each press hit promptly, with reach-extending best practices, like tagging publications, people, and relevant organizations.

Zen Media’s PR and social media teams used a two-pronged approach: creating interest by crafting compelling press releases and using targeted outreach. They ensured consistency in messaging to depict New Cosmos as a voice of reason, thereby resonating with the press and their target audience.

The results

The strategy didn’t just hit the mark—it shattered all expectations. New Cosmos USA’s groundbreaking products emerged onto the CES scene with unmatched force. The pinnacle of their innovation? The first-of-its-kind residential battery-powered wireless natural gas alarm in the U.S. that marries cutting-edge technology with everyday convenience through integration with Amazon Sidewalk.

Their share of voice (SOV) rocketed by an astronomical 689%, leading to deals with multiple major big-box retailers.

The triumphant media blitz didn’t just generate buzz, it echoed across the industry and the city. In a crowning achievement, the Las Vegas City Mayor’s Office honored the groundbreaking efforts by declaring January 6 as Natural Gas Safety Awareness Day.

The team was so excited with their progress that they named Zen Media their agency of record.

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