The Zen of Time Management


The Zen of: Time Management

The one thing I always say about my work at Zen, whether I’m trading life stories with an Uber driver or schmoozing at a networking event, is that there’s never a dull moment. Whether we’re helping a client transform a crisis into a golden PR opportunity or combining influencers with experiential to create meaningful connections between brands and their fans, every campaign requires a mix of deftness, agility, foresight, and serious creative mojo.

It’s not easy to maintain such high standards while continuing to adapt in a fast-changing industry, and we’ve found that time management is critical to maintaining our competitive edge, as well as our commitment to excellence.

We don’t always get it right, but here are our three golden rules:

1) Recognize the difference between the urgent and the important.

Not everything that presents as urgent is truly important, and not everything that’s truly important will present as urgent. Start by simply asking the question (is this urgent, or important, or both?) before you begin a task, respond to an email, or assign something to someone. What comes back?

2) Delegate and follow-through.

In the frenzy of a to-do list that resembles the Hydra, the multi-headed beast of Greek mythology who grows back his head(s) as soon as the valiant hero manages to sever one, it’s easy to get stuck in battling only what’s present in the moment and attempt to do everything by oneself.

As much as I appreciate the heroism, the truth is that by delegating and following-through, rather than owning everything and completing nothing, we show up as more collaborative, responsible, and competent. We also keep the focus on the project’s needs and the larger goals, rather than simply keeping up!

3) Enjoy your work.

This is the raison d’etre, without which productivity is meaningless and achievements ring hollow. If we’re not able to enjoy our clients, co-workers, and the many creative challenges that come our way, we know something is awry. It’s also important not to spend your life at work. Using time tracking for employees helps you make sure you’re not overworking. Setting things right can be as simple as taking a ten-minute break to go for a walk and smell the flowers. Other times, we have to ask bigger questions about how to rekindle a sense of joy and appreciation….

To make your seasonal products last year-round, “implement a natural posting schedule that ramps up as you approach your busy season” – CEO @Shama

This sweeping success of a book is inspiring us to see the patterns and opportunities in our messes and clutter. What’s essential? What brings us joy? What do we love? Can we begin and end there? #KonMariMethod

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