How To Get The Most Out Of Your Twitter Hashtags

Using hashtags to further your businesses Twitter marketing campaign.

In the world of social media, it is not simply enough to create a profile page or account for your business in hopes of reaching out to clients and furthering your online marketing efforts. Instead, you must take advantage of the many elements and features that these sites offer as a way to help your company create a unique identity for itself, while also connecting with your audience in a way that you are unable to do through traditional marketing.

If you already have a Twitter account that is dedicated to your business, there are several tools that you can incorporate into your existing social media strategy to improve your engagement among readers and also increase your Twitter following. One of the best ways to do this is by using hashtags.

Designated by a number sign (#) at the start of a word or phrase, a hashtag is a Twitter feature that helps to spread information among different Twitter profiles, while also helping to organize it throughout the entire website. Twitter users also will use hashtags within tweets as a marketing tactic during certain promotions or events.

Research has also found that by using simple hashtags, such as #independentbiz or #blogpost, businesses can receive up to double their usual engagement from individuals. This is because using popular or relevant hashtags can help to spread your tweets into other conversations happening on Twitter that may be outside of your immediate circle of followers.

To help you further your Twitter marketing campaign this fall, we have put together a few simple tips for getting the most out of your twitter hashtags:

Keep Them Simple and Concise

When crafting up your hashtag for your tweet, be sure to keep your tags simple and direct. For instance, instead of sending out a long, complicated tag such as #smallbusinessattradeshows, pair the tweet with hashtags such as #smallbiz and #tradeshow. This will ensure that your tag is more search-engine friendly, and therefore will be quickly buried within the Twitter results page.

Invent Your Own

When it comes to using hashtags, you do not always have to center your tweets around tags that are trending or popular at the moment. Instead, create your own hashtag such as #2012marketingcon or #AZTechConference in order to generate buzz around a bigger marketing campaign. You can also turn to hashtags if you are looking to run a content or promotion on Twitter. By asking followers to tweet their answers or feedback with a certain hashtag, you easily locate submissions in one place.

Encourage Engagement at Events

One of the best aspects about hashtags is that they allow you to connect with your audience both on and offline. For instance, if you are going to be attending a company trade show soon, you can generate your unique hashtag before the event begins in order to start discussions with attendees. However, once you have arrived at the actual event, you can continue to use the hashtag so that people outside the event can track presentations and events.

Do you have any other tips for using hashtags for your company Twitter account? Be sure to share your tips with us in the comments below.


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