4 Ways that BuzzSumo Improves Your Digital Marketing Efforts


As digital marketers, we are constantly trying to keep up with all the things technology is making available to us. Thanks to many different applications and software, we’re able to increase our marketing efforts when strategizing for a client. One tool we’re really loving here at Zen Media is BuzzSumo. Whether your focus is social media, content, search engine optimization, or outreach, there is a ton of data and metrics you can get from the site to incorporate into your marketing strategies. Today we’re going to show you 4 of the ways that BuzzSumo can make your marketing team better.

You Can Measure Social Media

Social Media is really opening up a ton of new ways for marketers to help clients interact with their audience and really build solid relationships. With tools like Buffer, GroupHigh, ShortStack, Onlypult, Right relevance, and Google Analytics, the type of insight you can gain on your social media campaigns is almost endless. BuzzSumo helps you take your gains even farther, allowing you to see what types of content on the web is being shared on specific platforms. You can see shares across all platforms from Facebook and LinkedIn to Google Plus. Beyond that, you have the ability to view backlinks. This gives you great insight to new connections you can make in the industry, which we’ll touch on later. More importantly though, it gives you insight to how link building is contributing to your success.

track social media metrics

Another great feature focusing on social media is the ability to filter and see which articles were shared on which platforms throughout the week. Below you can see a comparison between Zen Media and a competitor. What can we learn from these stats? Well, we can see that our competitor may have on average more shares than us, but that we are doing a fantastic job engaging our audience all throughout the week. Our competitor however, tends to only get the most traffic during the middle of the week. That said, we can now look at the posts they publish on Wednesdays, for example. What are they doing differently that seems to be working and how can we adjust our efforts to get on the same playing field? If you’re concerned with your competition—and you should be, this is a great metric to keep your eye on.

See total shares by data published

Beyond seeing when during the week your content may be shared most often, you can also see what types of network your content is more likely to be shared on and what type of content does best. Below you can see that our shares on LinkedIn and Twitter are more frequent than other platforms, and subsequently, our content on both of these platforms tends to be shared more often as well.

See average shares by network and content type

You Can Keep Up with the Top Content

Content writing is difficult, as we know. And no matter how often we can brainstorm great new ideas, there is always something else we can do to learn about what sort of content is considered the best. BuzzSumo offers a “Top Content” feature to show you which sort of content is getting the best reaction from its targeted community. You can search Top Content by a keyword, topic, or domain.

See what the top content in your industry is

You Can Track Your Influencers

Getting in touch with the top influencers in your industry can be tough, and while there are certain ways to approach them, in order to approach, you first have to know who you should be targeting. BuzzSumo offers an Influencer filter with which you can search by a keyword or topic. For example, if I were to input “content marketing,” then Influencers in the content marketing space would appear. As you can see, BuzzSumo offers all sorts of metrics on influencers. You can see: page authority, domain authority, how many followers the influencer has, their retweet and reply ratios, and their average retweets. BuzzSumo also offers an easier follow function so that if you find you’re very impressed with one influencer’s stats, you can begin to follow them immediately.

See which are the best influencers to follow 

You Can Perform Outreach Efforts

As we mentioned earlier, seeing what backlinks to your content exist is a great way to see what other companies you may want to get in touch with. If you see that one company in particular often links to content on your blog, for example, it may be worth reaching out to them to suggest a partnership of some sort that involves contributor blogs. Beyond that though, you could combine your insights from social media and influencers and reach out to bigger names in your industry as well. It can’t hurt!

With BuzzSumo, You Can Improve Your Strategy via Analysis

BuzzSumo has proved to be a fantastic tool to use when improving your strategy. Using the statistics and metrics made available to you, there is a lot you can to do to improve your marketing strategy. Do you want advice on how to read your BuzzSumo metrics and help building a better strategy? Feel free to peruse our blog for great marketing tips, or reach out to us for a consultation!


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