

Driving engagement with a specialized, niche audience.

client name

Precision Health


paid ads, organic
social media


Health sciences
and genomics



302 attendees for Precision Health 2023 Website


4,586 new users sent to the website
5,442 sessions attributed to our campaign

Social Media (Paid + Organic)

Meta: 210k impressions, 13,060 link clicks, 14.6% increase in followers
LinkedIn: 35,811 impressions, 684 clicks, and 42.73% increase in followers
X: 88,555 impressions, 5,226 clicks, and 12.95% increase in followers



Conferences and other in-person events serve as crucial platforms for professionals to exchange knowledge, discuss new findings, and build networks. The AGBT Precision Health 2023 conference aimed to do just that by gathering a community of experts to contribute to the future of precision health, setting an ambitious goal to attract 300 registered attendees.

The challenges were two-fold: First, to penetrate a specialized market in healthcare and genomics, a sector filled with discerning professionals and a multitude of competing events. And second, to execute a marketing strategy that would resonate across multiple platforms, each with its unique audience and targeting capabilities.

Zen Media was tasked with executing a campaign that would be consistent in its message, but customized to the idiosyncrasies of each platform—Meta, LinkedIn, and X (formerly Twitter).

How We Met AGBT’s Goals

Messaging and Voice

After mapping out a timeline of key dates leading up to the event, Zen Media’s content team worked with AGBT to identify key voice traits and messaging that aligned with AGBT Precision Health’s target audience. Once brand voice and messaging were determined, Zen Media’s content and social media specialists created distinctions per platform to ensure consistency and optimization across platforms.

Target Audience

We created paid and organic target audience profiles based on past attendees, focusing on individuals in healthcare and genomics, previ- ous event attendees, sponsors, and lookalikes of these groups. We turned interest into commitment by retargeting and re-engaging in- dividuals who had previously visited the webpage or interacted with our social media posts.


By using a consistent, targeted, and time-sensitive tone to provide updates, deliver relevant messag- ing, and customize calls to action throughout the campaign, we were able to engage interested users at various stages of their decision-making process, resulting in high conference attendance, website traffic, and social media growth.

Approach & Methodology


To generate initial buzz and interest, these paid ads and organic social posts announced the event and called for early bird registrations. During this phase of the campaign, we began posting 3x/week on social media platforms to prime their audi- ence and build interest.

Early Bird On Sale

Targeting those who had shown initial interest or similar profiles, we launched an ad campaign to turn interest in attendance. We applied the learnings from our organic social media efforts to create engaging ad sets designed to drive conversions.

General On Sale

As the early bird phase ended, the messaging shifted with a heavier focus on the importance of the conference and the opportunities it would present for attendees. This messaging shift was reflected in organic and paid social. We refreshed our paid ad campaigns to reflect the general pricing and adjusted the copy and creative to showcase the various opportunities and benefits attendees have access to.

Final Push

During the final push, the messaging for organic and paid social media content was designed to create a sense of finality and urgency, encouraging last-minute registrations.

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