Facebook Rolls Out New, Improved Page Insights

If you’re the administrator of a Facebook page, you may have noticed that your Insights and People Talking About This tabs have disappeared. If you haven’t noticed, go check. Are you back yet? Are your Insights gone?

Don’t freak out just yet! Facebook has introduced a new, updated version of Page Insights. Read on to learn what’s new and different.

Better engagement measurements

The old version of Insights had limited engagement information to give page owners, and really only offered data about likes, comments, and interaction rates. The new Insights presents three new types of engagement statistics to help page owners interpret how far their content is traveling.

1. People Talking About This

This is a measure of people who have liked, commented on, or shared a post from your page. It also includes people who have tagged your page in a status or photo, responded to an event, or answered a question you’ve asked.

2. Weekly Total Reach

Weekly Total Reach measures how many Facebook users have seen any of your page’s content, regardless of whether or not they’re fans of your page. Facebook takes views of ads and sponsored stories into account when calculating Total Reach.

3. Virality

Virality tells you how likely users are to create stories from content on your page, by measuring the percentage of your fans who “talked about” a story from your page. This measurement is especially useful when trying to determine which types of content your audience is most responsive to.

Better individual post data

As previously stated, the old version of Insights only really offered a surface view of individual post data: likes, comments, and interaction rates. With new Insights, you can see your page posts laid out in graph format with the following information:

Date and type of post

Reach – The number of people who saw that post

Engaged Users – The number of people who clicked anywhere on your post, including tagged people/pages, the date/time stamp, and even people’s names in comments.

Talking About This

Virality  – Talking About This divided by Reach

Each type of data links to its own graph with unique information. For example, the Engaged Users information contains negative feedback data (although this feature is not available to all page administrators, as it is still in testing mode). Negative feedback includes the number of people who hid your posts from their News Feeds or reported them as spam.

Better demographic data

Previously, Insights displayed your fans’ age and gender data. With the update, you can now access demographic data for your Reach, which includes all users exposed to your content. The information has also been updated to include location data, both country and city, and language.

Exposure frequency data

Frequency data measurements were already available in Ad Insights, but are now available for Page Insights as well. This lets you know how many times you’re reaching the same people, which is essential in figuring out if you’re engaging people or not. For example, if you have a high number of people who’ve been exposed once, you know you need to adjust your messaging to get these people to keep coming back.

As Facebook continues to prove its importance in the world of online marketing, detailed page analytics become a necessity. What do you think of the new Page Insights?

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